Thursday, July 18, 2013

Gluten-free Turkey Meatballs

These are so easy, and take about 15 minutes to prepare, 15 minutes on-hand cooking, and 15 minutes simmering. There are tons of different variations of this recipe, but here is the most healthy. Serve with roasted veggies for dinner, or with mini hors d'oeuvres forks as an appetizer!

1 lb ground turkey (dark meat is more flavorful, white meat has less calories)
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
1 small zucchini, or 1/2 large, finely chopped
1/2 white onion, finely chopped
3 sprigs fresh oregano, leaves off
handful fresh basil, chopped
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
1 slice gluten-free bread (I like SRSLY brand sourdough), frozen, chopped
1 large egg
salt, pepper
1 jar simple tomato basil sauce (least amount of ingredients! I like 360 organic brand)

Combine chopped onions, zucchini, basil, oregano, garlic, turkey, egg and bread crumbs in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, mix and form 1-inch diameter balls with your hands and set on a plate. Turn a nonstick large pot to medium heat, add a little olive oil. In a circular-spiral pattern, add the meatballs to the pan, they should make a delicious sound when you put them in the oily pot. Don't burn your oil or you have to start over. Wait about 5 minutes per ball, then turn each with a tong, then wait another 5 minutes, turn again... they will start to make triangles, but that's OK! Just keep at it, and be patient, you'll smooth out the edges eventually. 

No one is going to judge you for not having perfectly round meatballs, its much more important to have that hard sear then have a perfect shape. They do not need to cook through, just sear.  After about 15 minutes of rotating them, add the tomato sauce and turn to low, cover. Simmer for about 15 more minutes, serve warm with fresh basil, oregano, and Parmesan cheese garnish!

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