Sole: place in flat cast iron skillet with olive oil, squeeze of half a lemon & fresh thyme. Bake for 10 minutes at 350.
Purple fingerling potatoes: boil for about 15-20 minutes until they slide off a fork. Mix with olive oil, butter, salt, pepper and fresh basil & thyme.
Brussel sprouts: slice in half and sauté in olive oil and crushed garlic -- be patient so they brown nicely on each side. I use a cast iron skillet and cover them for 7 or 8 minutes on each side.
Order of operations:
Boil water, preheat oven to 350, add potatoes to water, slice sprouts, prepare fish in flat pan or oven dish, check potatoes, heat pan for spouts and keep on low heat while you sauté the garlic for a few minutes, add sprouts, check potatoes, cover sprouts, put fish in oven, set timer for 10 minutes, toss sprouts, check potatoes, drain them when they are done and mix with evoo & seasoning - set aside, salt sprouts and toss again, remove fish and plate it, add sprouts, potatoes, serve!
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