Monday, July 7, 2014

Raw Food Reset

Hi guys!
Because it's the middle of the year, the new moon is in Capricorn, and we've been partying like maniacs at weddings all month, Char and I have decided to do a 5-day raw reset. We'd like to call it a "cleanse" or "diet" so that you can all understand what we're going through, but those words terrify us. So RESET it is.

Over the weekend on our drive up to Tahoe for the Fourth of July, I got a little crazy and actually told Michael that I was considering using our joint credit card to purchase a vitamix blender so that I could be a rock star on my raw reset... I hadn't told him about the plan, so as long as he wasn't going to have to eat rabbit food for a week he told me to go ahead. I was thrilled. A few minutes later he asked how much it would cost and I mumbled $600, whereupon he pulled over and said that if a vitamix is "really important to me" and it's truly what my "heart desires" than we'll have to turn around because that's the cost of our cabin for the weekend and I can't have both.

So we went to Tahoe and I'll have to blend things by hand or with the cheap magic bullet that one of his darling sweet old roommates got after a late night of infomercials.

So, day one, July 7th. Here's breakfast at 8am, after 4 8-oz glasses of plain water for 2 hours.

- half a pinapple, one apple, half a pint of blueberries, half a squeezed lemon and 1 oz chopped raw almonds. Yummy and sweet.

For second breakfast, around 11am, I made:

- one carrot, half an avocado, one tomato, 2 stalks of celery, fresh dill, lemon juice, salt & pepper.

Now off to the yoga and then whole foods to stock up! Shout out to Healthy Holistic Krista for being our guide through this.

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